Hourly Rate

A repair man came to fix something recently. It took him about twenty minutes. The charge for the parts and service was high, and it got me thinking…What service could I provide that would command such a price?

I know what you’re thinking, and no. Fitness modeling is simply not something I am willing to do. I want work that leverages my mind and abilities, not my sheer physical gifts.

Top options that come to mind:

  1. Advising on the layout and maintenance of public restrooms

  2. Consulting on residential real estate deals when the budget is “cheapest possible”

  3. Reinforcing morally questionable behavior as long as it produces direct benefits to me

  4. Editing email correspondence

  5. Complimenting others’ outfits and homes

Unfortunately, in today’s economy, these services are severely undervalued. I practically give them away for free. But since economists agree that the market may soon achieve the rare feat of a “soft landing,” perhaps there is hope still.


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